I’m Lacey and I’m about 6 years old. I’ve had lots of puppies in my life, then when I got too old to make my owners any more money they dumped me in the country. I was picked up by animal control and sat in doggy prison for 8 days with a very painful eye ulcer and itchy skin. I’ve been rescued and now I’m safe, cool, clean and my tummy is full. And best of all, my eye doesn’t hurt as much. Lacey has a deep corneal ulcer and severe dry eye on the right. Here left eye has normal tear production. She is on 3 types of eye drops for treatment, we’re keeping our fingers crossed that we can get the ulcer to heal. Since the ulcer is very deep she is at considerable risk for rupture, then the eye would have to be removed. We believe she retains some sight in the right eye, we are doing everything possible to save the eye. She will have to remain on Cyclosporin eye drops for the rest of her life. Lacey is also being treated for a bacterial skin infection. Her skin is clearing up nicely. When her coat is less stained from poor living conditions she will be absolutely stunning. This girl is a show stopper! Though initially scared and unsure, she has remained docile throughout all the poking and prodding. I have witnessed some behavior that leads me to believe that her previous life was pretty scary and most likely violent. On arrival, Lacey was very hand shy and had submissive urination (that has resolved). When approached while eating, she huddled into a ball and at the first opportunity scampered into the safety of her kennel. She has made great progress and no longer fears punishment for the simple act of eating.