10/2/14: Please welcome cash! Cash found himself at a shelter in south Georgia and no one came looking for him. By the looks of his poor skin no one bothered to take care of him either!
He made his way to Dr Ross’s thanks to Maureen and Darlene. He will spend his two week sin shelter quarantine. While there Dr Ross will started on his skin issues as well as his eye issues. We are not sure if it is an eye infection or dry eye. He will also be neutered while he is there and then he will move into his foster home.
The shelter believes he is approximately two years old.
We have not seen him around dogs, cats or kids.
More info as we learn more about him.
Update 10/25/14: Cash moved into his foster home. He is living with two children ages 10 and 5 and he loves them. He loves attention and he loves to follow his people around. His foster parents are working on potty training.
He does still have mange. We will treat it for a few more weeks then he will see Dr Ross for a check up. If his skin is looking good enough at that time he will be neutered. For now he is enjoying his new people, the warm sun and taking lots of naps!
Update 11/12/14: Cash saw Dr Rush for a check up. She was going to neuter him but discovered he has a kidney infection. We will treat this for a week then move forward with his neuter.
Update 11/24/14: Cash was neutered today. He does still have mange. Once the mange clears up he needs to have lower lid entropian surgery on one eye.
Update 1/15/15: Unfortunately we did get the worse news possible regarding Cash’s mouth issue that we have been addressing for the past month. He has a rare disease (very rare in bulldogs more common in terriers) where he has bone growth spurts in his jaw. The bone has fused together and he can not open his mouth more than a little bit. The upside is that it will not going to get any worse and that he can open his mouth wide enough to eat and drink. The downside is there is no surgical fix for this and no treatment. For now we will focus on his skin and keeping him happy and loved. We will be keeping him with us a permanent foster. Please keep him in your thoughts.
Update 1/29/15: Today we had to say good bye to Cash. We are grateful to the Wilkins family for loving him these past few months. And to Dr Ross, Dr Cook, Dr Cross and Dr Winkler for helping us understand his rare condition and for making this process easier for us all. Please keep his foster family in your thoughts.
Jones family – In memory of UgaLee Ugette