Hank – May 31, 2021

8/27/15:  Please welcome Weston!  His owner had to surrender him because he has to leave the county for his career.  We are told he is healthy and already neutered.  He will be evaluated by Dr Rush tomorrow.

He is seven years old.  He likes dogs and children but has never been around cats.

Update 8/28/15:  We discovered today that Weston has had untreated ear infections for an extended time.  They are infected and the ear canals are swollen and hard.  We are waiting on culture results.  If we can not get him comfortable with medication then we may need to move forward with a total ear ablation surgery.   This is not an easy surgery on a bully.  Ear infections are treatable and it is unfortunate that Weston has found himself in this position due to neglect.  His teeth are also in bad shape.  He will have a dental cleaning and extractions next week.

Update 10/1/15:  Weston is enjoying life in his foster home!  He is very sweet and loving.  He is not too happy about his weight loss plan.  But he is very overweight and needs to drops some pounds so he can be happy and healthy again.  It is obvious that he is uncomfortable and that the extra weight he is carrying around limits his activity.  Fat might be cute on a bully but it is not good for them!  We are still treating his ear infections but they seems to be under control and they do not seem to bother him.  Which means we may be able to avoid surgery as long as we can keep the infection away with proper cleaning and treatment.  He does not have much hearing left because the ear canals are swollen and hard.    He has a follow up visit with his vet soon.

Update 10/6/15:  Weston saw Dr. Rush for his follow up visit today and his ears are infection free!  We will need to continue regular cleaning and watch him closely for future infection.

Update 10/25/15: Weston decided he wanted to move to Alabama with previous GEBR adopters Sophia and Jarrod! Congrats Weston, Sophia and Jarrod!

May 31, 2022 – Hank (formally known as Weston) passes away.  Please keep his family in your thoughts. 

Rest In Peace Weston

approximate age: 7

approximate weight: 81 – currently over weight

likes dogs: yes

likes cats: N/A

likes children: yes

food: Taste of the Wild, Pacific Stream

life long medications: none

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