Wallace is a 6-7 year old male rescued from Fulton Co. Animal Control. The vet at the facility felt that Wallace was too sick to hang out there any longer and made a command decision to contact rescue and get him out of there sooner. He is suffering from an upper respiratory infection and may have something going on …in his stomach. He is now at our vet, Riverside Animal Hospital, undergoing evaluation….Priority is taking care of the respiratory infection so he doesn’t have breathing difficulty. We”ll keep everyone up to date on other problems as info becomes available.

Update 12/22/10: We call him Spider-man because the boy may be skinny but he sure can climb a baby gate.  He is getting stronger by the day with steady increase of  muscle mass.  Our vet said that he was only probably days away from death by starvation when we brought him in, which means that he had severe muscle wasting (he had used up all fat stores and his body was living off muscle).   But, colon rupture would have most likely been his demise before he died from starvation.  Either of the two could have happened at any time.  Thank goodness we got to him in time.

He no longer walks around loose-limbed, the muscles are getting stronger.  He even jumps and dances at meal time.  He is a sweet but very reserved fellow.  He loves our one on one time in the evening when he climbs up on my lap and snores away for an hour.  Absolutely no sign of aggression with my dogs.

Wallace will be evaluated next week and if he’s gained enough weight, we can proceed with neuter.

Update 01/19/11: Wallace is steadily gaining weight and will be scheduled for neuter soon.  Wallace will be attending the Thrashers game on Jan.22.  He’s looking forward to a night out with the boys!


January 22, 2012:  Wallace got his wings, suddenly at 2:45 on January 22, 2012.  We knew he was an angel on earth and his owners did everything medically possible to keep him with us. Wallace cheated death from the moment he arrived to GEBR.  He was within hours of death from starvation, could have died at any moment from a bowel perforation and survived.  A short 3 months after adoption…, he was diagnosed with lymphoma.  During treatment, he cheated death 3 times when he was hospitalized in very serious condition.  He developed gall bladder disease in December, with little hope of improvement he rallied and beat that disease too. He had just started a new chemotherapy protocol and showed tremendous improvement with regression of the disease.  He felt well enough to attend our meet up last weekend and Sonja said he even jogged across the yard a few days ago.  The twinkle was back in his eye and it was obvious he was feeling much better. Please pray for Wallace and his family. Ron and Sonja have lost 3 bulldogs in less than 18 months: Jackson in November, 2010; Lucille in November, 2011 and now Wallace.