Uno Dos Tres

6/9/23 – Please welcome Uno Dos Tres! Uno’s owner is ill and no longer able to care for him, so he turned him over to the shelter who turned him over to us. His eyes and skin appear to troubling him, he is not neutered, he has an prostate infection, and he is heartworm positive. It appears that he has been wearing a collar that was too tight which caused a skin infection on his neck. He has been diagnosed with dry eye so we started him on prescription eye drops. His tear production is very low and his vision is not perfect since his dry eye has not been treated. We will treat his skin infection first and then move forward with surgery then with fast kill heartworm treatment.

10/10/23 – Uno Dos Tres had neuter surgery today and all went well. His infection on his neck is still a work in progress but he is looking much better. He also has an ear infection that we are treating.

10/31/23 – Uno Dos Tres started his fast kill heartworm treatment today.

11/25/23 – Uno Dos Tres completed his fast kill heartworm treatment today. All went well! He will have a repeat ultrasound in three months to be sure his prostrate infection is cleared up.

2/1/24 – Uno Dos Tres had his ultrasound today and his prostate looks great!

5/3/24 – Uno Dos Tres has been adopted!  Congrats Uno Dos Tres and Candie!

approximate age: 6-8
approximate weight: 57
likes dogs: yes
likes cats: we have not seen him around cats
likes kids: he is living with a 9 year old and he does very well with him
lifelong medications:
likes: food, chew toys, hanging with people
dislikes: being in his crate with the door closed
ideal home: a home that would enjoy a dog that doesn’t get on the furniture (it seems to make him a little anxious) and isn’t overly cuddly, but is happy to oversee you cooking in the kitchen. He would do best in a home with not too many obstacles since his vision is not perfect

Bully Bag Sponsors: Carol Robertelli, Claudia Janka, Becca Burgess