Georgia Raine

11/12/24 – Please welcome Georgia Raine! Georga Raine and 7 other dogs were taken from a poor living situation. After spending a little time in the shelter, she was able to join the rescue. She was spayed while at the shelter, but she needs to have entropion surgery. She had been diagnosed with dry eye and will need prescription eye drops for life. She is also on a diet to drop a few pounds.

12/12/24 – Georgia Raine had surgery today and all went well. She had her nares widened and had entropion surgery on both lower and upper eye lids.

approximate age: 5
approximate weight: 60
likes dogs: yes but isn’t too playful with her foster brother and sister, and doesn’t always like when they get into her face if she isn’t in the mood
likes cats: we have not seen her around cats
likes kids: she lives with a 17 year old and loves to play with him, she isn’t around little kids regularly
food: Taste of the Wild, Pacific Stream
lifelong medications: prescription eye drops for dry eye
likes: to be on the couch, nylabones, and always knowing where her foster mom is
dislikes: going potty in the rain, dogs in her personal space, being left alone (she whines for a few minutes)
ideal home: perfect case would be a single dog home or a dog that doesn’t get in her face too often and one with older kids. She is extremely laid back for the most part and just likes to have her people around.

Bully Bag Sponsors: Carol Robertelli