
10/7/20: Please welcome Emery! He was turned over to us by a breeder. He was born with a cleft lip. We are hopeful it is just a cosmetic issue and that it will not affect his well being. It is too soon to know for sure, we will see how things go as he gets older. He is extremely small for his age, but we have him on a good feeding schedule now and are hopeful that he will grow with no major issues.

11/10/20: Emory is 12 weeks old and has made such a transformation over the last month in his foster home. His coat was so dull and eyes had no sparkle due to his malnourished little body. He arrived to us at 7 weeks of age only weighting 1lb 11ozs. Now he is over 7lbs! He is eating hard kibble and had his first set of puppy shots last week.

12/21/20:  Emery has all of his puppy shots now, his cleft lip is not giving him any issues so there is no need to surgically repair it.

1/4/21:  Emery has been adopted by his foster parents.  Congrats Emery, Ken and Amanda!

Name That Bully Sponsor:
Daniel and Tara Smith

12 weeks: