I’m 5 year old Clementine. I know I look a mess right now but the nice rescue lady and the vet told me I’m going to look fantastic in no time. I’m really really itchy and very sore. I can’t hardly walk because my feet hurt so badly. The people who owned me did the best they could for me, but my problems were much more than they could handle….and it kind of got out of control. I was beginning to lose hope that I would ever feel well again…now I have hope!
Clementine’s face is covered in crust and black scabs. Her legs, feet, face and chest are red, chronically infected and crusted. Her paws are so swollen and inflammed she can barely stand. She is also very thin. When you itch as bad as this girl does, I’m sure the last thing on her mind was eating. We don’t know exactly what is going on with Clementine yet. I got a call about her this afternoon and within 2 hours had her at the vet hospital. She will be rehydrated and kept comfortable this evening, more testing will be done in the morning. Updates will follow.
6/26/09 update:
I have been to visit with her everyday and have already seen great improvement in her energy level. There was also a little light back in her eyes this afternoon. She has terrible demodex mange. After reading through her old medical record, it appears that she’s had problems with this since she was a year old and it was NEVER completely treated. She has had absolutely no treatment for the last 18 months. Mange is not contagious and completely treatable. Although mange is bad news for Clementine we do have good news..she is heartworm negative. She isn’t out of the woods yet with regards to heartworms, she’ll have to be checked again in several months to give her a clean bill of health. GEBR would like to thank Dr. Aimee Ross and her staff at Riverside Animal Hospital for dropping everything to help me with Clementine on Tuesday afternoon. Clementine will be on a medical hold while being treated. Please consider donating to her treatment fund.
She’s had 2 Promeris treatments and has amazing fur regrowth. The swelling in her feet is improving slowly, she is still very tenderfooted and her feet will bleed after walking on pavement. She is potty trained, BUT can’t possibly walk outside long enough to do number 2. Clementine has a sweet, playful personality and becomes more animated everyday.
We have now completed 5 Promeris treatments and she’s handled all of them with grace. There is fur regrowth all the way to her ankles and even has “whiskers” on her paws. The feet are still fairly swollen and tender but she is getting around much better and venturing farther into the yard to explore. I think there must a little cow in her pedigree since she loves to chew on grass. Her personality is sweet and peppy…never a growl or sideways glance at the other dogs in my care.
8/28/09: This little pixie girl has the sweetest personality. Her fur regrowth has slowed a bit as the Promeris kills the demodex mites hiding in deeper skin layers, this is to be expected. Her feet are less swollen but still very sensitive, particularly for a few days after treatment. We have one more treatment scheduled for next week, then a recheck skin scape. I anticipate additional treatments…she’s been this way for 5 years without treatment, it’s going to take longer than 3 months to beat this thing.
Clemmy was deemed well enough to undergo vaccinations. We’ve got more than just a little fur regrowth on her paws now! She spends her days tormenting my miniature Daschunds and lounging on her blue velvet doggy bed. She may even be well enough to join our Halloween party in Duluth on October 24th. If you’re interested in meeting this little pixie, click on the meet up link at the bottom of our home page.
Our little star of print continues to improve, except for those nasty front paws. We keep plugging along though. I’ve tried those doggy booties to be able to walk more comfortably outside, but none seem to be big enough to fit her feet without causing pain. She’s been in treatment for 6 months, only a drop in the bucket compared to 5 years with untreated demodex mange.
Clementine gets to get dressed up in her pink Tutu and attend The Bully Ball with her new friend Sophie…Sophie’s wearing purple.
Sweet girl has made significant progress in the fur regrowth department. Areas on her face are too scarred to regrow fur, but not terribly significant. The big news is that her back paws are covered in fur and there is fur on her front paws to the level of the toes. Her paw pads are much less swollen and tender, she is able to walk normally. She’s begun to romp through the yard and does a dance when it’s meal time. She’s gained quite a bit of weight since she’s feeling better. We stil have some potty issues though. Clemmy most likely lived in a crate most of her life and can’t get over pottying in there. We have removed the crate all together! She really didn’t need it anyway. When I am present, there are no “accidents” but when I leave, she will frequently have one. Possibly seperation anxiety? I have resorted to placing a towel on the floor near her bed…problem solved. When she is roaming the house, she has never had an accident. I think she would be best placed with a family who has someone home during the day to monitor her closely with more frequent potty breaks.
March 8, 2014: Our precious Clementine (GEBR alum) crossed the bridge last night. She was 11 1/2 years old. Please keep her parents, Courtnee and Scott in your thoughts and prayers. Clemmy was one of the lucky ones, she spent more of her life as a cherished fur baby than she spent neglected. We couldn’t have asked for better parents than Courtnee and Scott.