2/7/19: Please welcome Bailey Sue! Her owner dropped her off at a local shelter yesterday and they shelter immediately called up to see if we could take her in. Overall, she looks like she is in good health other than needing to have her teeth cleaned.
2/11/19: Bailey Sue has not pooped in a few days, so an x ray was done and determined she was full of poop! The vet gave her an enema and cleaned her out. We will keep her on lactulose for a while to keep things moving.
2/16/19: Bailey Sue had her surgery today and all went well. She had her palate shortened and had her teeth cleaned.
3/7/19: Bailey Sue has been at the clinic for a few days for observation. We believe she has Esophageal Diverticulum which is causing some on her food to not make it all the way to her stomach therefor regurgitating it. There is no surgical fix for this so we will monitor and adjust her diet. We are hopeful that changing her diet to soft food will eliminate the regurgitation.
5/6/19: Bailey Sue has been adopted. Congrats Bailey Sue and Candy!
December 22, 2019 – June Bug (formally known as Bailey Sue) crossed over the rainbow bridge today. Please keep his family in your thoughts.
Rest In Peace June Bug
approximate age: 12
approximate weight: 30
likes dogs: yes
likes cats: n/a
likes kids: n/a
food: Taste Of The Wild, Pacific Stream
lifelong medications: none
Bully Bag Sponsors:
Carol Robertelli
Olde South Design Studios