5/24/13: Please welcome a very sick little girl Apple. She is being taken directly from the medical area of Fulton County animal control to Dr. Ross for further treatment and monitoring. Apple was picked up as a stray on 5/20, obviously very pregnant. It’s amazing she survived pregnant and wandering in the heat of the day. We were very concerned and went to AC immediately to take her into our care but the law supersedes our wants and anxiety…Apple had to stay for her three day stray hold in hopes that her owners would turn up. So for the last four days we have been worried sick that she would deliver at the shelter.
Earlier this week, worried about Apple’s condition, the shelter made the decision to terminate the pregnancy and spay for Apple’s health. All went well until this morning when the incision opened. Fortunately, she was being watched closely and immediately went back to surgery for repair. At the moment, Apple is on her way to safety and will get whatever care she needs to recover from this traumatic episode.
Upon arrival at Riverside Apple’s white blood cell count was increased, and fearing a septic abdomen, she was taken to UGA for intensive care.
We believe Apple is two years old or younger.
Update 5/24/13: Dr Lane says Apple appears stable right now. They did an ultrasound and she has only a little fluid in her abdomen. They are going to watch her tonight and continue IV antibiotics. If at any time she begins to go downhill, they will proceed to surgery.
Update 5/25/13: She remained stable throughout the night. A little vomiting this morning but is acting like she feels better. They will do an ultrasound later today to see if more fluid has accumulated in her abdomen and make further decisions based on those findings. She will remain in the ICU today.
Update 5/26/13: There was discussion about her being discharged today. Unfortunately, she spiked a temperature to 104 during the night and we are back on high alert. She will be staying for another 24 hours at least
Update 5/27/13: no more fever, no more fluid in her abdomen. Eating and drinking well. Energy back. Apple will be discharged later today!
Update 5/31/13: Apple is stable and doing well. She spent a few days at Riverside relaxing and went to her foster home today.
Update 6/1/13: Apples foster mom took her to the ER because she was not eating and vomiting. She had a reaction to one of the antibiotics that she was taking. We have stopped all meds and will evaluate in a few days.
Update 6/7/13: Apple was doing ok since her last trip to the ER on Saturday night but vomited her food on Monday afternoon. We believe she still had some of the old antibiotics in her system that made her sick on Saturday but just to be safe we moved her back to Dr Ross for observation. Her temperature and white blood cell count are fine but we are monitoring her for spikes in her temperature and reactions to the new antibiotics that she started on Tuesday. This little girl will pull though no matter what! Please keep her in your thoughts.
Update 7/5/13: Apple is off medical hold and ready for adoption.
Update 8/11/13: Apple has been adopted! Congrats Apple and Gilreth family!
Apple crossed over the rainbow bridge. Please keep his family in your thoughts.
Rest In Peace Apple
S Chandler
D Sharboaugh
J Davis