
2/28/24 – Please welcome Eddie! Eddie was picked up as a stray and turned over to us by the shelter. We are treating him for an upper respiratory infection. Once that clears up we will move forward with surgery.

3/14/24 – Eddie had surgery today and all went well. He was neutered, had his palate shortened, his tonsils removed, his nares widened and his teeth cleaned. Once he recovers from surgery he will start his fast kill heartworm treatment.

4/8/24 – Eddie started his heartworm treatment today. We also do x-rays and confirmed that he has a touch of pneumonia and chronic bronchitis. We started treated both today.

5/1/24 – Eddie completed his heartworm treatment today. He is doing much better on his bronchitis treatment. We will repeat his x-ray in early July and come up with a long-term treatment plan if needed.

7/1/24 – Eddie has some scarring but no active bronchitis or pneumonia.  We will keep him on his current medication to avoid any future issues.  

9/1/24 – Eddie is doing great in his foster home but he is still searching for his perfect forever home! He would do well in a home with another playful dog and a strong owner.  He is learning manners and will need to continue this in his new home.  

approximate age: 2-3
approximate weight: 63
likes dogs: yes
likes cats: n/a
likes kids: he is a bit strong so he will not be placed in a home with kids, teenagers only
food: Taste Of The Wild, Pacific Stream
lifelong medications: prescription eye drops for dry eye, over the counter allergy pills, may be on theophylline ER long term for chronic bronchitis but we are not certain yet
likes: chewing on his bones, swimming, running around the yard, walks with his foster mom, playing side and seek under his blankets
dislikes: thunderstorms and bath
ideal home: we think he would do well in a home with active parents, he has a bit of energy and will need humans that can keep up with him, and a lot of big bones to chew on

Bully Bag Sponsors: Carol Robertelli, Debbie Boyd Cash

Name That Bully Sponsor: Chris Russell